ORTHOSCOPE*: A Phylogenetic Pipeline to Infer Gene Histories from Genome-Wide Data

Autor: Jun G. Inoue
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Molecular Biology and Evolution
ISSN: 1537-1719
Popis: Comparative genome-scale analyses of protein-coding gene sequences are employed to examine evidence for whole-genome duplication and horizontal gene transfer. For this purpose, an orthogroup should be delineated to infer evolutionary history regarding each gene, and results of all orthogroup analyses need to be integrated to infer a genome-scale history. An orthogroup is a set of genes descended from a single gene in the last common ancestor of all species under consideration. However, such analyses confront several problems: 1) Analytical pipelines to infer all gene histories with methods comparing species and gene trees are not fully developed, and 2) without detailed analyses within orthogroups, evolutionary events of paralogous genes in the same orthogroup cannot be distinguished for genome-wide integration of results derived from multiple orthogroup analyses. Here I present an analytical pipeline, ORTHOSCOPE* (star), to infer evolutionary histories of animal/plant genes from genome-scale data. ORTHOSCOPE* estimates a tree for a specified gene, detects speciation/gene duplication events that occurred at nodes belonging to only one lineage leading to a species of interest, and then integrates results derived from gene trees estimated for all query genes in genome-wide data. Thus, ORTHOSCOPE* can be used to detect species nodes just after whole-genome duplications as a first step of comparative genomic analyses. Moreover, by examining the presence or absence of genes belonging to species lineages with dense taxon sampling available from the ORTHOSCOPE web version, ORTHOSCOPE* can detect genes lost in specific lineages and horizontal gene transfers. This pipeline is available at https://github.com/jun-inoue/ORTHOSCOPE_STAR.
Databáze: OpenAIRE