Generation of hard X-rays using an ultrafast fiber laser system

Autor: Bixue Hou, Kai-Hsiu Liao, Gerard Mourou, Almantas Galvanauskas, John Nees, Guoqing Chang, Aghapi Mordovanakis, Matthew Rever
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Optics express. 15(21)
ISSN: 1094-4087
Popis: We report the first hard X-ray source driven by a femtosecond fiber laser. The high energy fiber CPA system incorporated a 65mum LMA fiber amplifying stage which provided 300-fs recompressed pulses and diffraction limited beam quality with M(2)1.07. A deformable mirror was used to optimize the wavefront and the spot size was focused down to 2.3 mum with an f/1.2 paraboloidal mirror. 50muJ was deposited on the nickel target with 2x10(15)-W/cm(2) focal intensity and a distinctive Ni K(alpha)-line (7.48 keV) emission was measured with 5x10(-8) energy conversion efficiency.
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