Implementing technology enhanced real-time action observation therapy in persons with chronic stroke: A pilot study

Autor: Mary Ann Roberts, Ncs Alyssa Portelli, Min Hui Huang, Ncs Hendrika Lietz
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Physiotherapy theory and practice. 38(13)
ISSN: 1532-5040
Popis: This pilot study examined a novel technology-enhanced real-time action observation therapy (TERTAOT) of symmetrical bilateral movements in survivors of chronic stroke regardless of their ability to move their paretic limb(s). The TERTAOT used a Kinect XBox One to project mirror images of non-paretic limbs as participants performed symmetrical bilateral motor tasks involving whole-body movements in sitting or standing. The participants received eight weeks of treatment consisting of 30-minutes of conventional physical therapy (balance training, gait training, neuromuscular reeducation, and generalized strength training) and 30-minutes of the TERTAOT protocol per session (three sessions per week for a total of 24 sessions). Ten Meter Walk Test (10MWT), Five Times Sit-to-Stand (5TSTS), Timed Up and Go (TUG), Motor Activity Log - Quality of Movement (QOM) and Amount of Use (AOU) were administered at baseline (pretest), 4 weeks (posttest 1) and 8 weeks (posttest 2) post-TERTAOT, and 3 months after TERTAOT ended (retention). A General Linear Model Repeated Measures (parametric test) or the Friedman Test (non-parametric test) was used to compare outcomes across time points, depending on the normality of data distribution. Bonferroni post-hoc corrections were applied. Seventeen participants completed80% of TERTAOT sessions without adverse events. The effect of time was significant for 10MWT (
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