Energy storage in magnetic textures driven by vorticity flow

Autor: Ji Zou, Dalton Jones, Shu Zhang, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Physical Review B. 102
ISSN: 2469-9969
Popis: An experimentally feasible energy-storage concept is formulated based on vorticity (hydro)dynamics within an easy-plane insulating magnet. The free energy, associated with the magnetic winding texture, is built up in a circular easy-plane magnetic structure by injecting a vorticity flow in the radial direction. The latter is accomplished by electrically induced spin-transfer torque, which pumps energy into the magnetic system in proportion to the vortex flux. The resultant magnetic metastable state with a finite winding number can be maintained for a long time because the process of its relaxation via phase slips is exponentially suppressed when the temperature is well below the Curie temperature. We propose to characterize the vorticity-current interaction underlying the energy-loading mechanism through its contribution to the effective electric inductance in the rf response. Our proposal may open an avenue for naturally powering spintronic circuits and nontraditional magnet-based neuromorphic networks.
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