Bonded Orthodontic Retainer and Fixed Partial Denture Made with Fiber Reinforced Composite Resin

Autor: Ovul Kumbuloglu, Atilla User, Ahmet Saracoglu, Cenk Cura
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: European Journal of Dentistry
ISSN: 1305-7464
DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1698886
Popis: Retention is the phase of orthodontic treatment which maintains teeth in their orthodontically corrected positions, following the cessation of active orthodontic tooth movement. Development of resin-impregnated, fiber-reinforced composite materials has provided the potential to develop new approaches for stabilizing teeth and replacing teeth conservatively. This case report describes the rehabilitation of a patient with orthodontic and prosthetic problems. The long-term behavior of glass fibers splint must be evaluated in clinical studies. (Eur J Dent 2011;5:237-240)
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