A pilot study to assess the validity of the Orthodontic Treatment Priority Index in English schoolchildren

Autor: G. A. Scivier, C. D. Parker, D. M. Menezes
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. 2:246-252
ISSN: 0301-5661
DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0528.1974.tb01658.x-i1
Popis: Due to the need for a reliable objective method of assessing the presence and degree of malocclusion by non-orthodontic personnel for epidemiologic purposes, a study was undertaken to investigate the Orthodontic Treatment Priority Index. A reproducibility trial was carried out, followed by discussions with an orthodontist (D.M.M.) and the use of study models to improve standardization. To test the Index, comparisons with the clinical judgments of two orthodontists were made in two separate studies of 100 children each. Each orthodontist reexamined 20 children for reproducibility. Intraexaminer reliability was good for both Index and clinical scores and a reasonable correlation was obtained between the Index and the clinical assessments in both instances. Although the results are promising and the method practical, further study is indicated, especially to determine interexaminer reliability of Index and clinical standards. It is the opinion of the authors that the Treatment Priority Index is extremely promising and a reliable objective method of assessing the presence and degree of malocclusion for epidemiologic purposes.
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