Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of confined carbon chains

Autor: Cla Duri Tschannen, Thiago L. Vasconcelos, Lukas Novotny
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156 (4)
ISSN: 1089-7690
Popis: Long linear chains of carbon encapsulated in carbon nanotubes represent the finite realization of carbyne, the truly one-dimensional carbon allotrope. Driven by advances in the synthesis of such structures, carbyne has attracted significant interest in recent years, with numerous experimental studies exploring its remarkable properties. As for other carbon nanomaterials, Raman spectroscopy has played an important role in the characterization of carbyne. In particular, tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) has enabled imaging and spectroscopy down to the single-chain level. In this article, we provide a general introduction to carbyne and discuss the principles and experimental implementation of TERS as a key technology for the investigation of this material system. Within this context, the development of optical nanoantennas as TERS probes is addressed. We then summarize the latest progress in the Raman spectroscopic characterization of confined carbyne, with a focus on the findings assisted by TERS. Finally, we discuss open questions in the field and outline how TERS can contribute to solving them in future studies.
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156 (4)
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