Beam-hardening effects of wedges on a spoiled 6 MV beam

Autor: Plato C. Lee, Gleen P. Glasgow
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Medical Dosimetry. 19:141-144
ISSN: 0958-3947
DOI: 10.1016/0958-3947(94)90046-9
Popis: The beam-hardening effects of the wedges on a 6-MV spoiled beam has been studied. The beam quality of all the wedged beams was found to be the same as the open beam. The dmax also stayed unchanged for all the wedges at all field sizes. The relative wedge factors were found to reflect the beam-hardening effect, which is a function of the wedge angles, depths, and field sizes. For the 15 degrees and 30 degrees wedges, the relative wedge factor at depths less than 15 cm were found to deviate less than +2% for all fields, while those for the 45 degrees and 60 degrees wedges for the same depth range from +3% to +4%. The surface doses were found to decrease with the wedged fields. For 15 degrees, 30 degrees, and 45 degrees wedges, the decreases were found to be from 0 to -2.0%. For 60 degrees wedges, the largest deviation was found to be -2.5% for a field size of 10 cm x 10 cm at a depth of 2 mm. The wedge factors at dmax were found to depend slightly on the field sizes. The use of an averaged wedge factor for each individual wedge was found to produce less than +/- 1.2% of error for all field sizes.
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