Proctodrilus antipae Michaelsen 1891

Autor: Lehmitz, Ricarda, R��mbke, J��rg, J��nsch, Stephan, Kr��ck, Stefanie, Beylich, Anneke, Graefe, Ulfert
Rok vydání: 2014
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6142616
Popis: Proctodrilus antipae (Michaelsen, 1891) Allolobophora antipae Michaelsen, 1891: 16. Allolobophora antipae: Graff 1953 a: 26; Graff 1958: 289. Helodrilus (Helodrilus) antipae: Michaelsen 1900 a: 498; Easton 1983: 482. Allolobophora antipai: Bouch�� 1972: 449; H��ser 1986: 319. Proctodrilus antipai: Zicsi 1985: 285; Csuzdi & Zicsi 2003: 224. Proctodrilus antipae: Blakemore 2008: 62. Ecology. Endogeic species that is typical for floodplains (H��ser 1990; H��ser & Zicsi 2009). Zoogeographical distribution type. Central-European distribution (Csuzdi & Zicsi 2003). Distribution in Germany. Central Germany (Pieper 1969; H��ser 1990, 2009, 2012; R��mbke et al. 2002, PSMS in Saxony-Anhalt: Neubert 2011); in 2012 and 2013 in Hesse, close to river Rhine (S. Kr��ck, unpublished data); northern Germany (Unger 1999; R��mbke et al. 2002; Groth & Irmler 2012; PSMS in Schleswig Holstein:; southern Germany (Graff 1958; Schruft et al. 1982, Beck et al. 2001; R��mbke et al. 2002); eastern Germany (Beylich & Graefe 2002); western Germany (Graff 1953 a, 1958; Emmerling 2001; R��mbke et al. 2002; Moser & R��mbke 2006).
Published as part of Lehmitz, Ricarda, R��mbke, J��rg, J��nsch, Stephan, Kr��ck, Stefanie, Beylich, Anneke & Graefe, Ulfert, 2014, Checklist of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) from Germany, pp. 221-245 in Zootaxa 3866 (2) on page 238, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3866.2.3,
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