Test Beam Results of 3D Silicon Pixel Sensors for the ATLAS upgrade

Autor: ATLAS 3D Collaboration, Grenier, P., Alimonti, G., Barbero, M., Bates, R., Bolle, E., Borri, M., Boscardin, M., Buttar, C., Capua, M., Cavalli-Sforza, M., Cobal, M., Cristofoli, A., Betta, G-F. Dalla, Darbo, G., Da Vi��, C., Devetak, E., DeWilde, B., Di Girolamo, B., Dobos, D., Einsweiler, K., Esseni, D., Fazio, S., Fleta, C., Freestone, J., Gallrapp, C., Garcia-Sciveres, M., Gariano, G., Gemme, C., Giordani, M-P., Gjersdal, H., Grinstein, S., Hansen, T., Hansen, T-E., Hansson, P., Hasi, J., Helle, K., Hoeferkamp, M., H��gging, F., Jackson, P., Jakobs, K., Kalliopuska, J., Karagounis, M., Kenney, C., K��hler, M., Kocian, M., Kok, A., Kolya, S., Korokolov, I., Kostyukhin, V., Kr��ger, H., La Rosa, A., Lai, C. H., Lietaer, N., Lozano, M., Mastroberardino, A., Micelli, A., Nellist, C., Oja, A., Oshea, V., Padilla, C., Palestri, P., Parker, S., Parzefall, U., Pater, J., Pellegrini, G., Pernegger, H., Piemonte, C., Pospisil, S., Povoli, M., Roe, S., Rohne, O., Ronchin, S., Rovani, A., Ruscino, E., Sandaker, H., Seidel, S., Selmi, L., Silverstein, D., Sj��b��k, K., Slavicek, T., Stapnes, S., Stugu, B., Stupak, J., Su, D., Susinno, G., Thompson, R., Tsung, J-W., Tsybychev, D., Watts, S. J., Wermes, N., Young, C., Zorzi, N.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Grenier, P, Alimonti, G, Barbero, M, Bates, R, Bolle, E, Borri, M, Boscardin, M, Buttar, C, Capua, M, Cavalli-Sforza, M, Cobal, M, Cristofoli, A, Dalla Betta, G F, Darbo, G, Da Vià, C, Devetak, E, Dewilde, B, Di Girolamo, B, Dobos, D, Einsweiler, K, Esseni, D, Fazio, S, Fleta, C, Freestone, J, Gallrapp, C, Garcia-Sciveres, M, Gariano, G, Gemme, C, Giordani, M P, Gjersdal, H, Grinstein, S, Hansen, T, Hansen, T E, Hansson, P, Hasi, J, Helle, K, Hoeferkamp, M, Hügging, F, Jackson, P, Jakobs, K, Kalliopuska, J, Karagounis, M, Kenney, C, Köhler, M, Kocian, M, Kok, A, Kolya, S, Korokolov, I, Kostyukhin, V, Krüger, H, La Rosa, A, Lai, C H, Lietaer, N, Lozano, M, Mastroberardino, A, Micelli, A, Nellist, C, Oja, A, Oshea, V, Padilla, C, Palestri, P, Parker, S, Parzefall, U, Pater, J, Pellegrini, G, Pernegger, H, Piemonte, C, Pospisil, S, Povoli, M, Roe, S, Rohne, O, Ronchin, S, Rovani, A, Ruscino, E, Sandaker, H, Seidel, S, Selmi, L, Silverstein, D, Sjøbæk, K, Slavicek, T, Stapnes, S, Stugu, B, Stupak, J, Su, D, Susinno, G, Thompson, R, Tsung, J W, Tsybychev, D, Watts, S J, Wermes, N, Young, C & Zorzi, N 2011, ' Test beam results of 3D silicon pixel sensors for the ATLAS upgrade ', Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 638, no. 1, pp. 33-40 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2011.01.181
Popis: Results on beam tests of 3D silicon pixel sensors aimed at the ATLAS Insertable-B-Layer and High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC)) upgrades are presented. Measurements include charge collection, tracking efficiency and charge sharing between pixel cells, as a function of track incident angle, and were performed with and without a 1.6 T magnetic field oriented as the ATLAS Inner Detector solenoid field. Sensors were bump bonded to the front-end chip currently used in the ATLAS pixel detector. Full 3D sensors, with electrodes penetrating through the entire wafer thickness and active edge, and double-sided 3D sensors with partially overlapping bias and read-out electrodes were tested and showed comparable performance. Results on beam tests of 3D silicon pixel sensors aimed at the ATLAS Insertable-B-Layer and High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC)) upgrades are presented. Measurements include charge collection, tracking efficiency and charge sharing between pixel cells, as a function of track incident angle, and were performed with and without a 1.6 T magnetic field oriented as the ATLAS Inner Detector solenoid field. Sensors were bump bonded to the front-end chip currently used in the ATLAS pixel detector. Full 3D sensors, with electrodes penetrating through the entire wafer thickness and active edge, and double-sided 3D sensors with partially overlapping bias and read-out electrodes were tested and showed comparable performance.
Databáze: OpenAIRE