The Ecclesiology of Jürgen Moltmann as an Application of the Trinitarian Theology of the Cross on the Understanding of the Church

Autor: Lidija Matošević, Andrej Bukovac-Mimica
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Nova prisutnost : časopis za intelektualna i duhovna pitanja
Volume XVII
Issue 2
Nova Prisutnost, Vol XVII, Iss 2, Pp 351-367 (2019)
ISSN: 1848-8676
Popis: Ovaj rad istražuje implikacije trinitarne teologije križa Jürgena Moltmanna na ekleziologiju. Prema Moltmannu, hijerarhijski model Crkve nastao je na temeljima antičkog koncepta Boga, što Moltmann naziva monarhijski monoteizam. Umjesto u monarhijskom monoteizmu, zajedništvo Crkve Moltmann utemeljuje prema modelu perihoretskog zajedništva triju božanskih osoba, u kojemu nema privilegija niti podređivanja, te koje je otvoreno čovjeku, uvodeći ga u zajedništvo s Trojedinim Bogom te u međusobno zajedništvo. Iako smatra da je model Crkve kao zajednice jednakopravnih primjereniji od hijerarhijskog, pitanje ustroja za Moltmanna je u konačnici sekundarno. U fokusu ekleziologije ne treba biti ustroj Crkve, već njezina misija, shvaćena unutar okvira missio Dei, kao eshatološkog gibanja koje polazi od Boga te pronalazi cilj u dovršetku svega stvorenja. Shvatimo li Crkvu na ovaj način, kao zajednicu kojoj nije svrha širenje Crkve, već širenje Kraljevstva, te uzmemo li u obzir da eshatološko Kraljevstvo uključuje sve ljude, sva bića i samu zemlju, otvara se golemi ekumenski potencijal te prostor za dijalog s drugim religijama, kao i (sekularnim) društvom u cjelini.
This paper explores the ecclesiological implications of Jürgen Moltmann’s trinitarian theology of the cross. According to Moltmann, the hierarchical model of the Church was formed on the basis of the Hellenistic philosophical concept of God, which Moltmann calls monarchical monotheism. Instead of monarchical monotheism, Moltmann bases the unity of the Church according to the model of the perichoretic unity of the three Divine Persons, which acknowledges no privileges or subjugation, and which is open to humankind, leading it into communion with the Triune God and with each other. Although he holds that a community of equal individuals is a more appropriate model of the Church than a hierarchical one, the question of the Church’s organization is, for Moltmann, ultimately a question of secondary importance. The focal point of ecclesiology should not be the organization of the Church, but its mission, understood within the wider framework of mission Dei, an eschatological movement that begins with God, and finds its goal in consummation of all creation. If we perceive the Church in this manner, as a community whose purpose is not the expansion of the Church, but the expansion of the Kingdom, and if we also take into account that the eschatological kingdom includes all people, all beings, and the earth itself, then this opens up a vast ecumenical potential and a space for dialogue with other religions, as well as the (secular) society as a whole.
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