[Characteristics of changes in heart rate variability at physical activity and their importance for the assessment of the functional fitness of athletes]

Autor: Huzii, O.V., Mahliovanyi, A.V., Romanchuk, O.P.
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3543749
Popis: To determine a more adequate variant of regulatory effects on the cardiac rhythm after the training load according to the response to the standard exercise. 32 qualified male athletes aged 20,6 ± 3,0 years, who are engaged in water polo, took part in the research. The research included the study of physical development parameters, heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP) by routine methods, conduction of Martinet functional tests before training load. The training lasted for 2 hours and involved sessions in the pool, which was aimed at developing speed endurance. It was conducted within the period of annual training cycle of preparing for competition. The results of the studies of EG2 athletes compared with EG1 athletes allowed to establish that sportsmen’s heart rate variabiliti (HRV) HF-components optimization after the training load in comparison with athletes featured by marked decrease in HF-components of HRV, is characterized by higher percentage of fat and a significantly higher body mass, circumference shoulder and shin sizes. Investigating the parameters of cardiovascular activity at rest and after standard loading revealed that HRV HF-components optimization after training load is associated with a significantly higher level of systolic blood pressure and pulse blood pressure in the initial state and in the dynamics of three minutes of recovery after standard load, as well as a more pronounced decrease in diastolic blood pressure at the end of the restitution period, which came to almost 10% compared to baseline. At the same time, the quantitative data of the response to the Quality Reaction Index suggest that the optimization of the HF-component of HRV (EG2) after the training load is characterized by inconsistency of the response of the chronotropic and inotropic function of the heart. Based on the above results, it can be argued that more adequate changes in the HF-components of HRV after exercise load are a decrease in the HF heart rate of less than 265.7 ms2. The latter can be used as a criterion for the functional preparedness of the body during the medical control and the prevention of overreaching.
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