Early embryonic losses at HLA compatibility in married couples

Autor: Olesya Nikolaevna Bespalova, Alana Olegovna Agnaeva
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 64:69-80
ISSN: 1683-9366
DOI: 10.17816/jowd64369-80
Popis: Despite achievements in area of reproductive medicine, recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) remains the most frequent complication of pregnancy. While the majority of spontaneous abortions (50-75 %) are sporadic and don’t repeat, 2-5 % of couples face problem of repeated pregnancy losses. There is a set of various reasons of such situation. The immunological reasons occupy one of the leading places. Role of HLA system in reproductive failure and methods of their correction are studied since the beginning of the 1960th. A large number of works is devoted to this subject. However still there is a controversial issue: “does the immunization (active or passive) increase the frequency of pregnancy approach and childbirth in women with RPL and repeated implantation losses in ART cycles?”
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