Nematodes associated with weed plants in Brazil

Autor: Antonio Carlos Zem, Luiz Gonzaga E. Lordello
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 1976
Zdroj: Anais da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Volume: 33, Pages: 597-615, Published: 1976
Popis: O presente trabalho trata de nematóides associados a raízes de 71 plantas invasoras, nas quais revelou-se a presença de 8 gêneros e 18 espécies parasitas. As espécies, pela ordem decrescente de freqüência foram: Helicotylenchus dihystera (46%) ; Meloidogyne javanica (24%) ; Meloidogyne incognita (23%); Macroposthonia ornata (17%); Pratylenchus brachyurus (16%) ; Pratylenchus zeae (14%) ; Xiphinemaseiariae (11%); Xiphinema krugi (10%); Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus (5,6%); Meloidogyne arenaria (4,2%); Helicotylenchus dUiysteroides (4,2%) ; Tylenchorhynchus martini (4,2%) ; Aphelenchoides sp. (2,8%) ; Ditylenchus sp. (2,8%) ; Helicotylerfichus microcephalus (2,8%) ; Xiphinema elongatum (2,8%) ; Helicotylenchus egyptiensis (1,4%) e Meloidogyne coffeicola (1,4%). São feitas considerações sobre as implicações para a agricultura de tão ampla distribuição de nematóides em plantas colonizadoras e gramíneas utilizadas como forrageiras. Plant parasitic nematodes associated with roots of 71 weed plant species were collected from selected cultivated areas of Brazil. Eight genera and 18 species of plant parasitic nematodes were reported. The species were recovered in the following decending order of frequency: Helicotylenchus dihystera (46%); .Meloidogyne javanica (24%); Meloidogyne incognita (23%) ; Macroposthonia ornata (17%) ; Pratylenchus brachyurus (16%); Pratylenchus zeae (14%); Xiphinema, setariae (11%); Xiphinema krugi (10%); Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus (5.6%); Meloidogyne arenaria (4.2%) ; Helicotylenchus dihysteroides (4.2%) ; Tylenchorhynchus martini (4.2%) ; Aphelenchoides sp. (2.8%); Ditylenchus sp. (2.8%); Helicotylenchus microcephalus (2.8%); Xiphinema elongatum (2.8%) ; Helicotylenchus egyptiensis (1.4%) ; and Meloidogyne coffeicola (1.4%). Considerations were given to the agricultural production implications of the wide distribution of nematodes associated with weed plants and pasture grasses.
Databáze: OpenAIRE