Opportunities of Solid Renewable Fuels for (Co-)Combustion with Coal in Power Plants in Serbia

Autor: M Predrag Radovanovic, M Aleksandar Eric, P Marina Jovanovic
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Thermal Science
Popis: In the process of accession to the EU, Republic of Serbia will be obliged to achieve an appropriate share of renewable sources in primary energy consumption in addition to control the emission of carbon dioxide in order to comply with EU’s energy policy. In this paper the potential of the production of the so called 'green electricity' from biomass and waste in Republic of Serbia is shown with particular attention to the Electric Power Industry of Serbia, as the largest potential producer of electricity from renewable fuels. Based both on the available total quantity and heating value of non-hazardous solid waste material (municipal and industrial), the calculation of the total available energy potential of waste in the Republic of Serbia (by regions) was performed for the state of the 2010th and the projections of waste quantity growth until 2020th. Also, for the same time period, the available amount of waste biomass suitable for (co)combustion with coal was estimated, as the respective energy potential. The possible energy effects of (co)combustion in power plants as well as reduced emissions of CO2 with significant financial impact are demonstrated. Actually, this paper demonstrates necessity and techno-economic justification (co)combustion of renewable fuel with coal in thermal power plants in Serbia.
Databáze: OpenAIRE