Macro-Situation and Numerical Knowledge Building: The Role of Pupils'Didactic Memory in Classroom Interactions

Autor: Fluckiger, Annick
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Educational Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 59, No 1-3 (2005) pp. 59-84
ISSN: 0013-1954
Popis: This paper is based on a long-term didactic engineering about division problems (only in a numerical setting) at primary school. Situations and students' work are analyzed by means of a double theoretical framework: the theory of situations and the theory of conceptual fields (Vergnaud 1991). The analysis focuses mainly on classroom interactions and on the didactic memory from both the teacher perspective and the learner perspective: in particular, it not only investigates how didactic memory is managed by the teacher, but also how students recall past events or reread those events in a-didactic situations
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