Time and frequency-resolved photoluminescence up conversion using broadly tuneable picosecond infrared pulses

Autor: Albert Stolow, P. J. Poole, S. Charbonneau, J. Hong
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Review of Scientific Instruments. 69:1943-1948
ISSN: 1089-7623
DOI: 10.1063/1.1148877
Popis: A simultaneous time and frequency-resolved photoluminescence setup based upon the concept of sum-frequency generation has been developed using the parallel collection capabilities of a liquid nitrogen cooled, high quantum efficiency charge coupled device (CCD) detector. This up conversion system can provide excellent time resolution (down to ~ 100 fs), when the detector is used in the single channel mode, with large dynamic range. When the CCD detector is used in its full capacity (1024 channels), wide spectral range as well as temporal information are obtained simultaneously from the up-converted signal, thus providing important information on the dynamics of various emission peaks which can occur simultaneously. Together with this, an efficient method for generation of high repetition rate, low energy infrared light between 1.44 and 1.62 �m is described. The technique uses difference frequency mixing of the fundamental wavelength of a mode-locked Nd:yttrium aluminum garnet laser and the output of a synchronously pumped Rhodamine 640 dye laser in a 10 mm long lithium triborate crystal. This source was then used to performed cw and time-resolved up-conversion photoluminescence measurements on a 1.54 �m emitting InGaAsP epitaxial layer.
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