Receptor dimer stabilization by hierarchical plasma membrane microcompartments regulates cytokine signaling

Autor: André Leier, Stephan Wilmes, Ignacio Moraga, Jacob Piehler, Changjiang You, K. Christopher Garcia, Tatiana T. Marquez-Lago, Christian Richter
Rok vydání: 2016
0301 basic medicine
hop diffusion
plasma membrane organization
single molecule tracking
Interferon alpha-beta

02 engineering and technology
Cell Line
Protein–protein interaction
protein-protein interaction
Cytokine receptor signaling
03 medical and health sciences
spatial stochastic modeling
Bacterial microcompartment
Quantum Dots
Compartment (development)
Research Articles
Plasma membrane organization
Cell Membrane
SciAdv r-articles
Cell Biology
021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology
030104 developmental biology

Quantum dot
Protein Multimerization
0210 nano-technology
Research Article
type I interferon receptor
Signal Transduction
Zdroj: Science Advances
ISSN: 2375-2548
Popis: Single-molecule tracking and spatial stochastic modeling reveal receptor dimer stabilization by nanoscale confinement zones.
The interaction dynamics of signaling complexes is emerging as a key determinant that regulates the specificity of cellular responses. We present a combined experimental and computational study that quantifies the consequences of plasma membrane microcompartmentalization for the dynamics of type I interferon receptor complexes. By using long-term dual-color quantum dot (QD) tracking, we found that the lifetime of individual ligand-induced receptor heterodimers depends on the integrity of the membrane skeleton (MSK), which also proved important for efficient downstream signaling. By pair correlation tracking and localization microscopy as well as by fast QD tracking, we identified a secondary confinement within ~300-nm-sized zones. A quantitative spatial stochastic diffusion-reaction model, entirely parameterized on the basis of experimental data, predicts that transient receptor confinement by the MSK meshwork allows for rapid reassociation of dissociated receptor dimers. Moreover, the experimentally observed apparent stabilization of receptor dimers in the plasma membrane was reproduced by simulations of a refined, hierarchical compartment model. Our simulations further revealed that the two-dimensional association rate constant is a key parameter for controlling the extent of MSK-mediated stabilization of protein complexes, thus ensuring the specificity of this effect. Together, experimental evidence and simulations support the hypothesis that passive receptor confinement by MSK-based microcompartmentalization promotes maintenance of signaling complexes in the plasma membrane.
Databáze: OpenAIRE