CBM supplement; Figure 1; Figure 2; Figure 3 from Cognitive bias modification for facial interpretation: a randomized controlled trial of transfer to self-report and cognitive measures in a healthy sample

Autor: S. E. Peters, J. Lumsden, O. H. Peh, I. S. Penton-Voak, M. R. Munafò, O. J. Robinson
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.5631172.v1
Popis: includes: CONSORT diagram and means/sds;Task schematics. A. Bias modification happy face morph (faces 3-5 on 15 face positive-neutral to negative-neutral spectrum) and a sad face (face 12). B. Example bias modification trial with feedback (correct/incorrect window; in the training phase only). Baseline and test phases follow the identical structure but do not provide feedback. C. Example of a successful hard task selection in EEfRT task. D. Two words differing in emotional valence (threat/neutral) were presented simultaneously (500ms), followed by a probe (> or
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