Using GIS techniques for modeling of anthropogenic noise propagation generated by a chainsaw in forest harvesting

Autor: Akay, Abdullah E., Acar, Hulusi H., Kalkan, Buse
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Šumarski list
Volume 146
Issue 7-8
ISSN: 1846-9140
Popis: Noise is an environmental pollution that negatively affects human health and reduces the performance of employees. Forest harvesting activities are one of the working environments where noise effect is intense. The most common equipment used in forest operations is chainsaw whose noise affects not only the operator but also the wildlife in the territory. The noise maps showing noise propagation can be effectively used in evaluating and controlling the noise effects. In this study, it was aimed to measure the anthropogenic noise levels ​​resulting from the chainsaw used in tree felling and to map its noise propagation with SPreAD-GIS (System for Prediction of Acoustic Detectability) which is a GIS (Geographical Information Systems) based noise prediction software. The study was conducted in Karacabey Flooded Forest within the city of Bursa in Türkiye. The results indicated that the average noise level from the chainsaw was above the danger limit (90 dBA) that causes increased physiological reactions and headache on the workers. According to the noise propagation map, the noise exposure of the employees exceeded the warning limit (85 dBA) and the maximum noise level was 95.96 dBA during the harvesting activity. In some parts of the study area, the noise level was 45 dBA or above, causing negative effects on bird species. It can be concluded that the noise maps can be effectively used to determine noise propagation generated by a chainsaw and evaluate the noise effects on the operators and as well as on the bird species in the perimeter.
Buka je onečišćenje okoliša koje negativno utječe na zdravlje ljudi i smanjuje učinak zaposlenika. Aktivnosti sječe šuma jedno su od radnih okruženja u kojima je buka intenzivna. Najčešća oprema koja se koristi u šumarstvu je motorna pila, čija buka utječe ne samo na operatera, već i na divlje životinje na teritoriju. Karte buke koje prikazuju širenje buke mogu se učinkovito koristiti za procjenu i kontrolu učinaka buke. U ovome radu cilj je bio izmjeriti razine antropogene buke nastale radom motorne pile koja se koristi pri sječi stabala i mapirati širenje buke pomoću SPreAD-GIS programa (Sustav za predviđanje akustične detektabilnosti) čija se procjena širenja buke temelji na GIS-u (Geografski informacijski sustav). Istraživanje je provedeno u poplavnoj šumi Karacabey na području grada Bursa u Turskoj. Rezultati su pokazali da je prosječna razina buke motorne pile iznad granice opasnosti (90 dBA), što uzrokuje pojačane fiziološke reakcije i glavobolju radnika. Prema karti širenja buke, izloženost zaposlenika buci prešla je granicu upozorenja (85 dBA), a maksimalna razina buke tijekom rada iznosila je 95,96 dBA. U nekim dijelovima istraživanog područja razina buke iznosila je 45 dBA ili više, što je uzrokovalo negativan utjecaj na vrste ptica. Može se zaključiti da se karte buke mogu učinkovito koristiti za određivanje širenja buke koju stvara motorna pila i procjenu učinaka buke na operatere, kao i na vrste ptica u okruženju.
Databáze: OpenAIRE