Additional file 2 of Altered transcriptional responses in the lungs of aged mice after influenza infection

Autor: Hernandez, Ana M., Mossman, Jim A., Toapanta, Franklin R., Previte, Dana M., Ross, Ted M., Nau, Gerard J.
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19959736.v1
Popis: Additional file 2: Fig. S2 Characteristics of statistically supported modules that demonstrate various age, expression curve (spline), and age x curve interaction effects as determined by formal differential expression modeling. Each row represents a separate module and contains the respective heatmap-barplot combination figure (left plot), the interaction plot (top 30 representative genes; black = adult, module color = aged) (middle plot), and a gene ontology (GO) summary for the complete module membership (right table). The heatmap and barplot (far left of each row) show the scaled gene expression and average eigengene expression for each sample, respectively, which are ordered by increasing timepoints from left to right in each age class (adult: left; and aged: right). The interaction plot (center panel of each row) shows the behavior of the top 30 genes by their module membership. Each line is a separate gene and the same genes are shown for both age classes. GO ‘Process’, ‘Function’ and ‘Compartment’ categories are reported for the four most significant ontologies in each category (far right panel of each row). The 15 significant modules with FDR
Databáze: OpenAIRE