Analisis Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) dalam Implementasi Metode Pembelajaran Daring pada Era Covid-19 di SMA Negeri se-Kota Tegal

Autor: Fajero, Tommi, Festiawan, Rifqi, Anggraeni, Dewi, Ngadiman, Budi, Didik Rilastiyo
Rok vydání: 2021
ISSN: 1539-1523
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4914831
Popis: Online learning is a learning method using ICT media to support the learning process. TPACK is knowledge and skills in integrating technology into learning. Student satisfaction in using learning methods is a perspective of the experience of students after using or feeling a method used. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. This research was conducted in public high schools throughout the city of Tegal. Using a sample of 375 students with a proportionate starfied random sampling technique, analyzed the data by describing the data that had been collected. All TPACK components in the implementation of online learning methods in SMA Negeri in Tegal City were satisfied by students. The Technological Knowledge component obtained an index value of 68,42%, Pedagogical Knowledge obtained an index value of 66,66%, Knowledge content obtained an index value of 66,86%, Technological Content Knowledge obtained an index value of 72,88%, Pedagogical Content Knowledge obtained an index value of 67,69%, Technological Pedagogical Knowledge obtained an index value of 71,63%. (1) The implementation of online learning methods in public high schools in Tegal City shows a satisfied category for each component, (2) The lowest percentage value is in the Pedagogical Knowledge component with an index value of 66,66%, (3) The highest percentage value is in the Technological Content Knowledge component with an index value of 72,88%. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the implementation of online learning at State Senior High Schools throughout Tegal City based on the TPACK framework has been carried out well.
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