Extraluminal migration of ingested fish bone in the upper aerodigestive tract: A series of three cases with broad clinical spectrum of manifestations and outcomes

Autor: Sai Guan Lum, Jothi Shanmuganathan, Syarifah Nafisah Al-Yahya, Wei Jie Koh
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: International Journal of Surgery Case Reports
ISSN: 2210-2612
Popis: Introduction Incidental fish bone ingestion may penetrate the upper aerodigestive tract and cause extraluminal migration due to late presentation or missed diagnosis. The migrated fish bone exhibits a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations, ranging from mild symptoms to potentially fatal complications. Presentation of case We report three cases of extraluminal fish bone migration with diverse clinical presentations and complications. The first patient had mild throat symptoms and a fish bone that travelled through the neck and migrated towards the subcutaneous tissue without causing complications. The second patient developed deep neck abscess and thoracic complications as a result of the migrated foreign body, but recovered after surgical exploration and foreign body removal. The third patient presented late in sepsis and upper airway obstruction, subsequently succumbed to multiorgan failure before any surgical intervention. Discussion Thorough physical and endoscopy examinations are essential in patients with fish bone ingestion. Normal endoscopic findings in a symptomatic patient should always raise the suspicion of a migrated fish bone. A radiographic imaging study is often helpful in locating the foreign body and potential complications. The migrated fish bone that acts as the source of infection in the neck should be traced and removed surgically. The resulting abscess, if present, must be drained. The management of a migrated fish bone can be challenging and often require multi-discipline collaboration. Conclusion The migration of the ingested fish bone outside the upper aerodigestive tract can cause serious complications and death in some cases. Clinicians should always maintain a high level of suspicion towards extraluminal migration in a patient with a history of fish bone ingestions but normal endoscopic findings. We emphasize the importance of early recognition and prompt surgical intervention to remove the migrated fish bone to minimise the potential morbidity and mortality.
Highlights • Incidental fish bone ingestion can penetrate and migrate out of aerodigestive tract. • The manifestations of a migrated fish bone vary from mild symptoms to severe complications. • The complications are determined by the site and path of the fish bone migration. • A normal endoscopy finding does not rule out extraluminal fish bone migration. • Early recognition and prompt surgical intervention can reduce morbidity.
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