Mycobacterium leprae reactive T cell clones from lepromatous leprosy patients after prolonged dapsone chemotherapy

Autor: R. J. W. Rees, J. Ganesan, Abu Salim Mustafa, Tore Godal, H. K. Gill, D. S. Ridley
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Leprosy review. 61(1)
ISSN: 0305-7518
Popis: The proliferative responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to Mycobacterium leprae and BCG were studied in two groups of leprosy patients: a group of 8 lepromatous patients who had been on treatment for more than 20 years (TLL) and a group of 8 untreated lepromatous leprosy patients (ULL). The mean response to M. leprae of the TLL group was 6195 cpm with 5 of the 8 patients responding positively. The mean response to M. leprae of the ULL group was 617 cpm, with only 1 patient showing a positive response. The corresponding proliferative responses to BCG were 19,908 cpm in the TLL group and 7908 in the ULL group. Thirteen M. leprae reactive clones were established from 2 TLL patients and 5 M. leprae reactive clones were established from 2 tuberculoid leprosy patients. Seven of these clones, 4 from the TLL patients and 3 from the tuberculoid (TT) patients could be studied further. Three of the TLL clones responded specifically to M. leprae, while one of the clones exhibited a broad cross-reactivity to other mycobacteria. All of these clones were of the CD4+CD8- phenotype. Our findings suggest that responsiveness to M. leprae can be detected in vitro in a proportion of LL patients who have undergone prolonged chemotherapy, and that this response involves M. leprae reactive CD8+CD8- T cells, of which some appear to be specific to M. leprae.
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