Model of inverse bleb growth explains giant vacuole dynamics during cell mechanoadaptation

Autor: Andrea Cairoli, Alice Spenlehauer, Darryl R Overby, Chiu Fan Lee
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Cells can withstand hostile environmental conditions manifest as large mechanical forces such as pressure gradients and/or shear stresses by dynamically changing their shape. Such conditions are realized in the Schlemm’s canal of the eye where endothelial cells that cover the inner vessel wall are subjected to the hydrodynamic pressure gradients exerted by the aqueous humor outflow. These cells form fluid-filled dynamic outpouchings of their basal membrane called giant vacuoles. The inverse of giant vacuoles are reminiscent of cellular blebs, extracellular cytoplasmic protrusions triggered by local temporary disruption of the contractile actomyosin cortex. Inverse blebbing has been first observed experimentally during sprouting angiogenesis, but its underlying physical mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we identify giant vacuole formation as inverse blebbing and formulate a biophysical model of this process. Our model elucidates how cell membrane mechanical properties affect the morphology and dynamics of giant vacuoles and predicts coarsening akin to Ostwald ripening between multiple invaginating vacuoles. Our results are in qualitative agreement with observations from the formation of giant vacuoles during perfusion experiments. Our model not only elucidates the biophysical mechanisms driving inverse blebbing and giant vacuole dynamics, but also identifies universal features of the cellular response to pressure loads that are relevant to many experimental contexts.Significance statementHuman Schlemm’s canal endothelial cells in physiological conditions are subjected to a pressure gradient caused by the flow of aqueous humor in the basal-to-apical direction across the endothelium leading to the formation of cellular outpouchings called giant vacuoles. The physical mechanisms regulating giant vacuole formation are unknown. By describing giant vacuoles as inward blebs, we formulate a model of their growth and collapse that captures the characteristic features observed experimentally. Our theory reveals that the abrupt increase in surface tension caused by membrane stretching, which is required to accommodate the large areal strains locally induced by inward blebbing, limits giant vacuole growth. The model also predicts a competition between multiple invaginating vacuoles in which big vacuoles win over small vacuoles.
Databáze: OpenAIRE