Mudança no padrão biológico da migrânea com aura após a utilização da tetrabenazina: relato de caso

Autor: Pedro André Kowacs, Elcio Juliato Piovesan, Claudio E. Tatsui, Lineu Cesar Werneck, Marcos Cristiano Lange, Hélio Aurélio Ghizoni Teive, Liciane Maia Piovesan
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, Vol 58, Iss 2B, Pp 566-571 (2000)
ISSN: 1678-4227
Popis: The influence of the dopaminergic system on the pathophysiology of migraine has been suggested as a result of recent genetic discoveries. A possible hyper-reactivity of the dopaminergic receptors DRD2 reinforced the evidence regarding this. We describe a 31 years-old male patient affected by a generalized dystonia secondary to perinatal hypoxia. At age 16, the patient started having headache crises that met the criteria for migraine with aura. After three years of treatment for dystonia with tetrabenazine, a clear reduction in the frequency, intensity and duration of the crises was perceived. During two periods longer than two months, the interruption of the treatment with tetrabenazine brought about an aggravation of the migraine crises. We present this case as being the first description in the literature showing the beneficial effects of tetrabenazine, a blocker of dopaminergic receptors, on the behavior of migraine with aura.
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