Aggregating data and searching the ROSSIO portal

Autor: Freire, Nuno, Monteiro, Daniel
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7805120
Popis: Presentation by Nuno Freire (NOVA FCSH / Europeana Foundation) & Daniel Monteiro (NOVA FCSH) at theInternational Workshop ROSSIO: "Building a Digital Research Infrastructure: ROSSIO Case Study" (16-17 fev.23),Organized by Amélia Aguiar Andrade, Daniel Alves & Helena Cabeleira (ROSSIO Infrastructure), held at NOVA-FCSH (Campus da Avenida de Berna, Auditório B3 - Torre B). This event was aimed at researchers, teachers, students and other specialists, agents, professionals and communities in the fields of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts.
Databáze: OpenAIRE