A low-power tunable SiGe HBT LNA for wireless LAN applications

Autor: W. Bachtold, Corrado Carta, J. Carls
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: The 2005 IEEE Annual Conference Wireless and Micrwave Technology, 2005..
Popis: This paper presents the design, implementation and measurements of a BiCMOS integrated tunable low noise amplifier for 5 GHz WLAN applications. It consists of a cascode gain cell, noise and power matched to a 50 /spl Omega/ input source, and power matched to a 50 /spl Omega/ load. In order to broaden the available bandwidth, the output matching network is modified by means of a shunt varactor, thus allowing the tuning of output matching and peak gain over a band exceeding 1 GHz. The proposed topology modification proofs to have neglectable effects on other LNA features, such as noise figure, linearity and input matching. Realized in a 120 GHz-f/sub t/ commercial BiCMOS technology, the circuit exhibits 13.2 dB of flat power gain, 2.3 dB of NF, -9 dBm of iIP/sub 3/, -20.5 dBm of P/sub 1 dBm/ input and output return losses better than -10 dB in the 5-6 GHz band. Power consumption is 6 mW.
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