Design, Fabrication, and Performance of Foil Gas Thrust Bearings for Microturbomachinery Applications

Autor: Robert J. Bruckner, Christopher DellaCorte, Brian J. Edmonds, Brian Dykas, Joseph M. Prahl
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 131
ISSN: 1528-8919
DOI: 10.1115/1.2966418
Popis: Amethodologyforthedesignandconstructionofsimplefoilthrust bearingsintendedfor parametricperformancetestingandlow marginal costs is presented. Features drawn from a reviewof the openliterature are discussed as they relate to bearingper-formance. The design of fixtures and tooling required to fab-ricate foil thrust bearings is presented, using conventional ma-chining processes where possible. A prototype bearing with di-mensionsdrawnfrom theliteratureis constructed,with allfabri-cationsteps described. Aload-deflectioncurvefor thebearingispresented to illustrate structural stiffness characteristics. Start-stop cycles are performed on the bearing at a temperature of425 ◦ C to demonstrate early-life wear patterns. A test of bearingload capacity demonstrates useful performance when comparedwith data obtained from the open literature. Introduction Foil gas bearings represent an enabling technology foradvanced oil-free turbomachinery systems. Operating athigh speeds and temperatures, these next-generation turboma-chines will present tribological challenges that conventional oil-lubricated rolling element bearings may be unable to meet, in-cluding shaft speeds well above three million DN and bearingtemperatures in excess of 400
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