A new insight into pycnodontiform fishes
Autor: | Poyato-Ariza F., J., Wenz, S. |
Rok vydání: | 2002 |
Předmět: |
Gryphaeidae Arthropoda Actinopterygii (awaiting allocation) Gyrodontidae Coccodontidae Curculionidae Diplopoda Mesturidae Animalia Chordata Pycnodontiformes Taxonomy Actinopterygii Chelodesmidae Pycnodontidae Biodiversity Ostreida Bivalvia Coleoptera Pycnodontiformes incertae sedis Osteichthyes Mollusca Polydesmida Pycnodontiformes (awaiting allocation) Hadrodontidae |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.5371649 |
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