Multi-Source Fusion Operations in Subjective Logic

Autor: Rens W. van der Heijden, Frank Kargl, Henning Kopp
Rok vydání: 2018
FOS: Computer and information sciences
Matching (statistics)
Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science
Theoretical computer science
Subjective logic
Computer science
Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence
02 engineering and technology
01 natural sciences
Dirichlet distribution
010104 statistics & probability
Symbolic and mathematical

Information theory in mathematics
0202 electrical engineering
electronic engineering
information engineering

DDC 620 / Engineering & allied operations
0101 mathematics
DDC 004 / Data processing & computer science
Multi-source fusion
Extension (predicate logic)
Logic in Computer Science (cs.LO)
Constraint (information theory)
Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
020201 artificial intelligence & image processing
Completeness (statistics)
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1805.01388
Popis: The purpose of multi-source fusion is to combine information from more than two evidence sources, or subjective opinions from multiple actors. For subjective logic, a number of different fusion operators have been proposed, each matching a fusion scenario with different assumptions. However, not all of these operators are associative, and therefore multi-source fusion is not well-defined for these settings. In this paper, we address this challenge, and define multi-source fusion for weighted belief fusion (WBF) and consensus & compromise fusion (CCF). For WBF, we show the definition to be equivalent to the intuitive formulation under the bijective mapping between subjective logic and Dirichlet evidence PDFs. For CCF, since there is no independent generalization, we show that the resulting multi-source fusion produces valid opinions, and explain why our generalization is sound. For completeness, we also provide corrections to previous results for averaging and cumulative belief fusion (ABF and CBF), as well as belief constraint fusion (BCF), which is an extension of Dempster's rule. With our generalizations of fusion operators, fusing information from multiple sources is now well-defined for all different fusion types defined in subjective logic. This enables wider applicability of subjective logic in applications where multiple actors interact.
Databáze: OpenAIRE