Autor: | Yadgarov Akram Akbarovich, Abdulxamidova Gulxayo Isroiljonovna |
Jazyk: | uzbečtina |
Rok vydání: | 2023 |
Předmět: | |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.7938739 |
Popis: | Ushbu maqolada agrosanoat majmui tarmoqlariga jiddiy talofat yetkazuvshi tabiiy-iqlim va iqtisodiy mazmundagi xatarlarning kushayishi bilan bog'liq muammolarga tez-tez dush kelishlari hamda bu kabi muammolardan sug‘urtalash orqali moliyaviy talofatlardan himoyalashda sug‘urtaning rolini oshirish zaruriyati asoslab berilgan. {"references":["1.\tЎзбекистон Республикаси Президенти Шавкат Мирзиёев Олий Мажлисга Мурожаатномаси, 29 декабрь, 2020 йил. Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентининг расмий сайти: http://www.press-service.uz.","2.\tGinder M, Spaulding A.D, Tudor K.W, Winter J.R. 2009. Factors affecting crop insurance purchase decisions by farmers in northern Illinois. Agricultural Finance Review, 69, 113–125.","3.\tОʼzbekistоn Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyоyevning Оliy Majlisga Murоjaatnоmasi// Хalq sоʼzi, 29 dekabr, 2018 yil.","4.\tA.Yadgarov. (2020). AgroInsurance-As A Mitigating Financial Lever For Climate Change In Agriculture. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 2251 - 2258. http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/17501","5.\tA.Yadgarov, А. Rakhimov. Reforms on the development of the livestock sector and insurance protection in Uzbekistan. Published online: 19 March 2021. E3S Web of Conferences 244, 12012 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202124412012","6.\tA.Yadgarov, I.Xotamov, X.Uktamov, M.Maxmudov, R.Najmiadinov, G'.Yuldashev. Prospects for the Development of Agricultural Insurance System. WEB OF SCIENCE. Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science (2021) 36(1): 602-608/ e-ISSN: 2587-2249. info@alinteridergisi.com","7.\tA.Yadgarov. The importance of using the agricultural insurance system in increasing the volume of agricultural production in pandemic conditions. SAARJ Journal on Banking & Insurance Research (SJBIR) ISSN: 2319-1422 Vol.9, July 2020, Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 7.126. 31-37 page. https://saarj.com/wp-content/uploads/sjbir-july-2020-full-journal","8.\tA.Yadgarov. Issues of food safety on the basis of agricultural insurance. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering ISSN: 2689-1018. JULY 2020. Page No.: 43-52 Volume-II Issue-VII PUBLISHED: 30 JULY 2020. https://usajournalshub.com/index.php/tajabe/article/view/576/539","9.\tSaidova, M., Yadgarov, A., Kodirova, D., Turdialiev, J., Embergenova, G. Econometric analysis of the influence of climate characteristics on the ecological condition of soils and the productivity of agricultural crops. E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, 377, 03017. https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2023/14/e3sconf_icecae2022_03017/e3sconf_icecae2022_03017.html"]} |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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