Complexity of developmental control: analysis of embryonic cell lineage specification in Caenorhabditis elegans using pes-1 as an early marker

Autor: Ian A. Hope, Richard Feichtinger, Heinke Schnabel, Laurent Molin, Ralf Schnabel, Titus Kaletta
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: ResearcherID
ISSN: 0016-6731
Popis: In the early Caenorhabditis elegans embryo five somatic founder cells are born during the first cleavages. The first of these founder cells, named AB, gives rise to 389 of the 558 nuclei present in the hatching larva. Very few genes directly involved in the specification of the AB lineage have been identified so far. Here we describe a screen of a large collection of maternal-effect embryonic lethal mutations for their effect on the early expression of a pes-1::lacZ fusion gene. This fusion gene is expressed in a characteristic pattern in 14 of the 32 AB descendants present shortly after the initiation of gastrulation. Of the 37 mutations in 36 genes suspected to be required specifically during development, 12 alter the expression of the pes-1::lacZ marker construct. The gene expression pattern alterations are of four types: reduction of expression, variable expression, ectopic expression in addition to the normal pattern, and reduction of the normal pattern together with ectopic expression. We estimate that ∼100 maternal functions are required to establish the pes-1 expression pattern in the early embryo.
Databáze: OpenAIRE