Lack of donors limits the use of islet transplantation as treatment for diabetes

Autor: Christina Bergström, Annika Tibell, A.C. Croon, C Möller, R Karlsson, L. Tydén, Ewa Björklund
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Transplantation proceedings. 35(2)
ISSN: 0041-1345
Popis: WITHIN THE PAST 2 years, islet transplantation has developed into a successful treatment of type 1 diabetes. However, to achieve insulin independence, transplantation of islets from two to three donors is often required. In addition, only 20% to 30% of islet isolations are suitable for clinical use. Obviously, there is a major gap between the number of islet transplants available and the number of potential recipients of islet grafts. The Organization for Organ Donation in the middle part of Sweden has made an inventory of all deaths in intensive care units (ICUs) to evaluate the number of potential donors, and the reasons for donations not being performed.
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