Étude de cas : L’évolution de l’habitat humain préhistorique dans le bassin hidrographique de la rivière Ilişeşti

Autor: Mugur Andronic
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Périodiques Scientifiques en Édition Électronique.
Popis: Case study : the evolution of the pre-historical human habitation in the hydrographical basin of Ilisesti Stream. The article summarizes the archeological pre-historical discoveries, most of them unique, that have been made along the time around the hydrographic basin of Ilisesti Stream (around 80 km2)-important affluent of Suceava River. In the same time, some considerations could be made regarding the pre-historical human habitation in the area, based on the comparisons with the observations already made about the neighbor hydrographical area of Solonet River. In both areas, were found evidences of an important demographical growth during the Bronze Age and during Hallstatt.
Andronic Mugur. Étude de cas : L’évolution de l’habitat humain préhistorique dans le bassin hidrographique de la rivière Ilişeşti. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 12, Numéro 1, 2010. pp. 191-197.
Databáze: OpenAIRE