Correlation Between Loss of E-Cadherin Expression and Overexpression of Autocrine Motility Factor Receptor in Association With Progression of Human Gastric Cancers

Autor: Kensyu Kawanishi, Hitoshi Shiozaki, Yuichiro Doki, Takehiro Utsunomiya, Hideomi Watanabe, Masahiko Yano, Morito Monden, Nariaki Fukuchi, Masatoshi Inoue
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: American Journal of Clinical Pathology. 113:266-274
ISSN: 1943-7722
DOI: 10.1309/jh4q-25q5-0trv-w99u
Popis: Loss of intercellular adhesion and increased cell motility synergistically facilitate tumor cell invasion. We studied these factors in 90 patients with gastric cancers by using an immunohistochemical technique to detect strong or weak expression of E-cadherin (ECD) and autocrine motility factor receptor (AMFR). Normal gastric mucosa (control) reacted strongly for ECD and weakly for AMFR. In study cases, ECD was weak in 47 cases, and AMFR was strong in 39 cases. Weak ECD and strong AMFR expression were associated with tumor dedifferentiation. AMFR expression correlated positively with depth of invasion but not with lymph node metastasis. ECD expression correlated negatively with lymph node metastasis but not with depth of invasion. A strong inverse correlation was found between ECD and AMFR expression. Tumors with weak ECD and strong AMFR expression displayed a more aggressive phenotype than tumors with strong ECD and weak AMFR expression. The postoperative survival of patients with tumors with weak ECD and strong AMFR expression was significantly shorter than that of other groups. Since they are involved in the pathway to development of tumors with a more aggressive phenotype, ECD and AMFR should be examined to evaluate the biologic potential of gastric cancers.
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