Dynamic tunneling junctions at the atomic intersection of two twisted graphene edges

Autor: Sasha Vrbica, Kirsten N. Kanneworff, Amedeo Bellunato, Remko Fermin, F. Galli, Carlos Sabater, Erik W. de Vos, Jan M. van Ruitenbeek, Grégory F. Schneider
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Nano Letters
Nano Letters, 18(4), 2505-2510
Popis: The investigation of the transport properties of single molecules by flowing tunneling currents across extremely narrow gaps is relevant for challenges as diverse as the development of molecular electronics and sequencing of DNA. The achievement of well-defined electrode architectures remains a technical challenge, especially due to the necessity of high precision fabrication processes and the chemical instability of most bulk metals. Here, we illustrate a continuously adjustable tunneling junction between the edges of two twisted graphene sheets. The unique property of the graphene electrodes is that the sheets are rigidly supported all the way to the atomic edge. By analyzing the tunneling current characteristics, we also demonstrate that the spacing across the gap junction can be controllably adjusted. Finally, we demonstrate the transition from the tunneling regime to contact and the formation of an atomic-sized junction between the two edges of graphene.
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