Remote tactile sensing glove-based system

Autor: Richard E. Fan, Warren S. Grundfest, James W. Bisley, Christopher Wottawa, Ji Son, Martin O. Culjat, Erik Dutson
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology.
Popis: A complete glove-based master-slave tactile feedback system was developed to provide users with a remote sense of touch. The system features a force-sensing master glove with piezoresistive force sensors mounted at each finger tip, and a pressure-transmitting slave glove with silicone-based pneumatically controlled balloon actuators, mounted at each finger tip on another hand. A control system translates forces detected on the master glove, either worn by a user or mounted on a robotic hand, to discrete pressure levels at the fingers of another user. System tests demonstrated that users could accurately identify the correct finger and detect three simultaneous finger stimuli with 99.3% and 90.2% accuracy, respectively, when the subjects were located in separate rooms. The glove-based tactile feedback system may have application to virtual reality, rehabilitation, remote surgery, medical simulation, robotic assembly, and military robotics.
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