Additional file 2 of Impact of physical activity programs and services for older adults: a rapid review

Autor: Pinheiro, Marina B., Oliveira, Juliana S., Baldwin, Jennifer N., Hassett, Leanne, Costa, Nathalia, Gilchrist, Heidi, Wang, Belinda, Kwok, Wing, Albuquerque, Bruna S., Pivotto, Luiza R., Carvalho-Silva, Ana Paula M. C., Sharma, Sweekriti, Gilbert, Steven, Bauman, Adrian, Bull, Fiona C., Willumsen, Juana, Sherrington, Catherine, Tiedemann, Anne
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.20317655
Popis: Additional file 2: Appendix 1. Eligibility criteriaand search strategies used to identify systematic reviews. Appendix 2. Flow chart ofselection of reviews from the updated search. Appendix 3. Systematic reviewsidentified in the updated search. Appendix 4. Search strategies andflow chart of the selection of primary studies investigating sports for older adults. Appendix 5. Eligibility criteriafor selection of primary studies. Appendix 6. Overview of relevant concepts incategorising outcomes of physical activity interventions for older adults. Appendix 7. Overview of primary studies ofphysical activity programs and services for older adults included in Objective2 (k=87 studies). Appendix 8. Description of studiesincluded in Objective 2 according to intervention location. Appendix 9. Dataused to create Figures 2-5 presenting the evidence of physical activityservices and programs for older adults. Appendix 10. Impact of physical activity typeson different outcome domains in adults with physical impairments. Appendix 11. Impact of physicalactivity types on outcome domains in adults with mild cognitive impairment orlow mood. Appendix 12. Impact of physicalactivity on different outcome domains by location. Appendix 13. Impact of structuredexercise in different locations on different outcome domains. Appendix 14. Impact ofrecreation/sport in different locations on different outcome domains.
Databáze: OpenAIRE