A hippocampal mechanism for novelty testing and decision about execution of a response

Autor: Clara Torda
Rok vydání: 1981
Zdroj: The International journal of neuroscience. 14(1-2)
ISSN: 0020-7454
Popis: The activities of CA3, CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons and dentate fascia granule cells have been addressed during various experimental conditions to observe some bioelectric processes which a new or recurrent stimulus may evoke. In perforate path transsected cats stimulation of medial septal neurons resulted in increased burst activity of CA3 neurons. This outlasted the stimulus and was paralleled by activity of CA1(1) (stimulus unspecific) pyramidals. During stimulation of both the medial septal neurons and the entorhinal cortex (perforate path neurons) CA3 pyramidals responded with burst activity that usually decreased and was mirrored by CA1(1) activity. Activity of CA1(2) (stimulus modality specific neurons) increased during decrease of CA3 burst activity. During the earliest phases of attempted conditioning of the nictitating membrane of rabbits with an unusual light stimulus CA3 and CA1(1) burst activities increased. After completion of conditioning the CA3 and CA1(1) bursts significantly decreas...
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