Low power optimization technique for BDD mapped circuits

Autor: Per Lindgren, Mikael Kerttu, Rolf Drechsler, Mitch Thornton
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: ASP-DAC
DOI: 10.1145/370155.370564
Popis: The minimization of power consumption is an important design constraint for circuits used in portable devices. The switching activity of a circuit node in a CMOS digital circuit directly contributes to overall power dissipation. By approximating the switching activity of circuit nodes as internal switching probabilities in binary decision diagrams (BDDs), it is possible to estimate the dynamic power dissipation characteristic of circuits resulting from a structural mapping of a BDD. A technique for minimizing the overall sum of switching probabilities is presented. The method is based on efficient local operations on a BDD representing the functionality of the circuit to be realized. The resulting circuit that is obtained by mapping the BDD to CMOS pass transistors has in simulation (using a commercially available process model) shown reduced power dissipation characteristic. Experimental results on a set of MCNC benchmarks are given for this technique Godkänd; 2001; 20081017 (ysko)
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