Accuracy of Acoustic Measures of Voice via Telepractice Videoconferencing Platforms

Autor: Cara E. Stepp, Hasini R. Weerathunge, Roxanne K. Segina, Lauren F. Tracy
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: J Speech Lang Hear Res
ISSN: 1558-9102
Popis: PurposeTelepractice improves patient access to clinical care for voice disorders. Acoustic assessment has the potential to provide critical, objective information during telepractice, yet its validity via telepractice is currently unknown. The current study investigated the accuracy of acoustic measures of voice in a variety of telepractice platforms.MethodTwenty-nine voice samples from individuals with dysphonia were transmitted over six video conferencing platforms (Zoom with and without enhancements, Cisco WebEx, Microsoft Teams,, and VSee Messenger). Standard time-, spectral-, and cepstral-based acoustic measures were calculated. The effect of transmission condition on each acoustic measure was assessed using repeated-measures analyses of variance. For those acoustic measures for which transmission condition was a significant factor, linear regression analysis was performed on the difference between the original recording and each telepractice platform, with the overall severity of dysphonia, Internet speed, and ambient noise from the transmitter as predictors.ResultsTransmission condition was a statistically significant factor for all acoustic measures except for mean fundamental frequency (fo). Ambient noise from the transmitter was a significant predictor of differences between platforms and the original recordings for all acoustic measures exceptfomeasures. All telepractice platforms affected acoustic measures in a statistically significantly manner, although the effects of platforms varied by measure.ConclusionsOverall, measures offowere the least impacted by telepractice transmission. Microsoft Teams had the least and Zoom (with enhancements) had the most pronounced effects on acoustic measures. These results provide valuable insight into the relative validity of acoustic measures of voice when collected via telepractice.Supplemental Material
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