Assessment of electroperception and pain thresholds using a phase sensitive technique

Autor: C. Ionescu-Tirgoviste, C. Iosif, S. Pruna, I. Mincu
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Popis: Perception and pain thresholds were measured in 88 randomly selected diabetic patients and in 58 nondiabetic subjects. The technique consists of applying a sinusoidal voltage of 1592 Hz, using a voltage-current convertor and a phase-sensitive detector. Three parameters are thus elevated: resistive current, capacitive current, and voltage across the electrodes. An analysis of the electroperception thresholds based on the clinical data shows that diabetic patients are an inhomogeneous group, some without clinical neuropathy, some with painful neuropathy, and some with painless neuropathy, with each group having distinct electrophysiological parameters. >
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