Partly functional / functional mock-ups and prototypes of PI2Us

Autor: R. Hu, A. Kabouteh, M. Schlandt, J. Güttler, T. Linner, D. Kozak, B. Walter, B. Schäpers, M. Randriambelonoro
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: This deliverable report examines the outcome of the construction of functional or partly functional prototypes or mock-ups of Personalized Interior Intelligent Environment Units (PI²Us) for demonstration and testing purposes, associated with Task T5.4. The first part of this document will give an overview of the relation of this task to other tasks of WP5, other work packages, and the larger framework of the REACH project. The second part sets out the details of the progressive development from early concepts to the current prototyping stage. Moreover, the subsequent lab-based testing is described in the third part of the report. This includes both already carried out and planned testing activities for either early stage validation or final demonstration in a naturalistic test environment. Finally, part four summarizes the results and puts the different prototypes in perspective to the respective touchpoints and the overall REACH engine functionality.
Databáze: OpenAIRE