Obserwacje przyrodnicze w twórczości Wincentego Ignacego Marewicza (1755-1822)

Autor: Stanisław Cios
Jazyk: polština
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8133905
Popis: Natural history observations in the works by Wincenty Ignacy Marewicz (1755-1822). The works of Marewicz, a man of noble descent but always in need, born in Lithuania, are held in low regard by literary critics. However, the works contain a few fragments of zoological interest, written in the 1780s and 1790s, pertaining to the surroundings of Warsaw. He referred to a „butterfly” hovering just over the water surface, which was eaten by fish gently leaping out of the water to catch the insects. This account, fitting well to the biology of the mayfly Palingenia longicauda, appears to be the oldest known reference to this insect in the River Vistula, today extinct in the country. In a fragment of a poem he referred to an “eagle” attacking a large catfish (Silurus glanis) or pike (Esox lucius), but was pulled into the water by the fish and drowned. This reference, either to the white-tailed-eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) or osprey (Pandion haliaetus), is the oldest one in Polish literature (but in a work of another author from the 18th century there is a similar reference to the kite Milvus sp.). Marewicz describes also angling in the River Vistula, which is the oldest such account pertaining to Warsaw. These passages, as well as several other general ones pertaining to nature, indicate that he was a keen observer of the environment.
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