Surface plasmon dispersion in metal hole array lasers

Autor: van F Beijnum, Vasco T. Tenner, van Mp Exter, G. W. ’t Hooft, van Pj René Veldhoven, EJ Erik Jan Geluk, de Mja Dood
Přispěvatelé: NanoLab@TU/e
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Optics Express, 21(22), 27422-27437. Optical Society of America (OSA)
ISSN: 1094-4087
Popis: We experimentally study surface plasmon lasing in a series of metal hole arrays on a gold-semiconductor interface. The sub-wavelength holes are arranged in square arrays of which we systematically vary the lattice constant and hole size. The semiconductor medium is optically pumped and operates at telecom wavelengths (λ ~ 1.5 μm). For all 9 studied arrays, we observe surface plasmon (SP) lasing close to normal incidence, where different lasers operate in different plasmonic bands and at different wavelengths. Angle- and frequency-resolved measurements of the spontaneous emission visualizes these bands over the relevant (ω, k||) range. The observed bands are accurately described by a simple coupled-wave model, which enables us to quantify the backwards and right-angle scattering of SPs at the holes in the metal film.
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