Solving Inverse Problems by Joint Posterior Maximization with Autoencoding Prior

Autor: Mario González, Andrés Almansa, Pauline Tan
Přispěvatelé: Universidad de la República (UDELAR), Mathématiques Appliquées Paris 5 (MAP5 - UMR 8145), Institut National des Sciences Mathématiques et de leurs Interactions (INSMI)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Paris (UP), Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (LJLL (UMR_7598)), Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Paris (UP), ANR-19-CE23-0027,PostProdLEAP,Repenser la post-production d'archives avec des méthodes à patch, variationnelles et par apprentissage(2019)
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
FOS: Computer and information sciences
Bi-convex Optimization
Computer Science - Machine Learning
General Mathematics
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Inverse Problems
Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning (stat.ML)
Machine Learning (cs.LG)
[INFO.INFO-LG]Computer Science [cs]/Machine Learning [cs.LG]
Statistics - Machine Learning
FOS: Electrical engineering
electronic engineering
information engineering

FOS: Mathematics
Generative Models
Image Restoration
Variational Auto-encoders
Mathematics - Optimization and Control
Applied Mathematics
Image and Video Processing (eess.IV)
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Image and Video Processing
Optimization and Control (math.OC)
[INFO.INFO-TI]Computer Science [cs]/Image Processing [eess.IV]
[MATH.MATH-OC]Mathematics [math]/Optimization and Control [math.OC]
[SPI.SIGNAL]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Signal and Image processing
Bayesian Statistics
[MATH.MATH-NA]Mathematics [math]/Numerical Analysis [math.NA]
Popis: In this work we address the problem of solving ill-posed inverse problems in imaging where the prior is a variational autoencoder (VAE). Specifically we consider the decoupled case where the prior is trained once and can be reused for many different log-concave degradation models without retraining. Whereas previous MAP-based approaches to this problem lead to highly non-convex optimization algorithms, our approach computes the joint (space-latent) MAP that naturally leads to alternate optimization algorithms and to the use of a stochastic encoder to accelerate computations. The resulting technique (JPMAP) performs Joint Posterior Maximization using an Autoencoding Prior. We show theoretical and experimental evidence that the proposed objective function is quite close to bi-convex. Indeed it satisfies a weak bi-convexity property which is sufficient to guarantee that our optimization scheme converges to a stationary point. We also highlight the importance of correctly training the VAE using a denoising criterion, in order to ensure that the encoder generalizes well to out-of-distribution images, without affecting the quality of the generative model. This simple modification is key to providing robustness to the whole procedure. Finally we show how our joint MAP methodology relates to more common MAP approaches, and we propose a continuation scheme that makes use of our JPMAP algorithm to provide more robust MAP estimates. Experimental results also show the higher quality of the solutions obtained by our JPMAP approach with respect to other non-convex MAP approaches which more often get stuck in spurious local optima.
Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1911.06379
Databáze: OpenAIRE