Assessing the Extent and Effects of Vehicles' Noise Pollution and CO Emissions on Humans Health in Urban Areas of Faisalabad, Pakistan

Autor: Zawar Hussain, Lizhen Gao, Moeen, Muhammad
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3539681
Popis: There are so many types of large number of vehicles are moving on the road in Faisalabad like motor rickshaws, motorcycles, cars and heavy traffic trucks and buses etc. Thirty different locations were selected for CO monitoring and forty locations were selected for noise monitoring in whole city. Two different instruments were used to measured two different parameter, integrating sound level meter model 6226 was used to measure noise pollution and yellow fluke meter was used to measure CO level. Data was collected in two different time morning as well as evening, maximum noise was measured 99 db in the commercial zone in the evening time and maximum CO was measured in the industrial zone in the evening time that was 42 ppm greater than morning time. On the basis of health effect data 37% people affected with noise pollution and according to data that 45% people was affected with respiratory disease due to CO pollution of vehicle emission. Similarly 32% people was effected with allergy, 35% giddiness, 50% ENT (Eyes and throat), and 42% people was affected from CO emissions from vehicles emission, maximum locations are exceeding the standard limit of EPA (Environment Protection Agency) of Pakistan. Keywords: Industrialization; CO emission; human’s health; integrating sound level meter; dB INTRODUCTION Over population, industrialization, life patterns, and urbanization are the major issues of increasing concentration of urban pollution [1]. Due to over population and migration from rural to urban areas is the main problem of huge traffic on the roads [2].According to the United nations (UN) 54% world population is migrating to urban life [3], that is leading to noise and air pollution [4], especially carbon mono oxide (CO) [5].Two third of air pollution is caused by vehicular emissions in the urban areas [6]. Whereas, about 97% CO concentration in the air is from the automobile emissions [7]. Noise and air pollution have a co-relation with each other and has combined effect on human health [8], like annoyance [9] and cardiovascular diseases [10-12]. CO is a toxic gas. It decreases the blood hemoglobin; increases blood pressure [13].Its interaction with hemoglobin is 240 times greater than oxygen. Due to its reactive nature with hemoglobin it transports with the blood, stopping oxygen delivery to the heart, lungs and brain, causing oxygen deficiency, thus effecting these organs and ultimately bring about death with its acute toxicity [14, 15, 16].According to the European environment agency (TEA) more than 430,000 premature deaths have been reported due to the exposure to air pollution [17], and more than 10,000 early deaths from noise pollution [18]. Faisalabad is the third most populous city and first largest industrial city of Pakistan. It has plain surface and located at 73° 74 longitude in east and 30°31.5 latitude in north, Punjab province [19]. Some areas of this city are very dense and have very narrow roads and congested markets like clock tower. There are so many types of heavy and light traffic vehicles (HTV and LTV), that are moving on the road and emitting CO and noise in the environment, thus effecting human health [20]. Effects on human health such as headache, nuisance and irritation increase due to vehicles’ CO emissions and noise pollution during heavy traffic jams in rush hours [21-23]. Specifically, drivers face severe health issues such as stress, headache and arterial pressure and loss of concentration thus effecting driving safety [24-26].Moreover, automobiles are the major consumer of oxygen as one car is consuming 6000 liters of oxygen in one hour and a single human consumes 30 liters of oxygen [27]. Automobiles are the common source of noise pollution in the urban areas [28,29].Noise is the undesirable sound that create disturbance in environment and affect human health [30].it is a constant threat to human health [31] and will be permanently sustain because of future transportationdevelopment and roads [32-34].Noise disturbs the body hormone and cause endocrine diseases [35], and its higher-level changes autonomic nervous system, behavior and sympathetic nervous system responses [36].Temporary or permanent hearing loss can also be the result of exposure to higher (100 dB) noise pollution for longer duration [37]. Therefore, the exposure level should not exceed 120 dB for more than 30 seconds [38].Besides numerous other physical health diseases, noise can cause many psychological disorders like sleep disturbance [39-41], irritation, stress [42] and anxiety [43,44]. In developed countries and cities environmentally friendly vehicles such as electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles are in use to reduce noise pollution and CO emissions. But in developing countries like Pakistan and cities like Faisalabad has a major issue of vehicular emissions and noise pollution due to lack of modern technology and awareness. Hence, it is important to measure and assess noise pollution and CO emissions and their effects and extent on human health. Therefore, the study aims to measure noise and CO emission from vehicles and to assess their impacts on human health in urban areas of Faisalabad. Materials and Methods Study Area Faisalabad is the third largest city of Pakistan and located in Punjab province. Due to industrial city it is very dense of population and vehicles; it’s polluted with air pollution and noise pollution due to many industries and traffic. Heavy traffic like buses and trucks and small noisy traffic like rickshaws are running on non-well-constructed roads in this city. There is no standard value of different zones like commercial, residential and silence zones, people are building house and colonies on road side and also building schools and hospitals on road side so that they are affecting with air pollution and noise pollution. Site Selections Different locations were selected on the observations of noise and air pollution. Thirty different locations were selected for CO monitoring and forty locations were selected for noise monitoring in whole city, gap of ten locations is due to physical construction of roads and distance between these locations. These all locations were selected by the researcher one-week observations and then selected these all locations for proper research. These all locations were categorized in three different zones like commercial, residential and silence zones. Because standard of noise pollution and air pollution of vehicles is different in these three zones Measurement sites Locations for Noise Monitoring Three categories of noise pollution locations were selected like commercial zone, residential zone and silence zones. Commercial zone: There are twenty locations were selected for commercial zone like, Katchery Bazar Chiniot Bazar Amin Pur Bazar Bhawana Baza Jhag Bazar karkhana Bazar Mintgomary Bazar Rail Bazar Naranwala Chowk DiglasPura Bazar Lariadda Gumti Chowk GTS Chowk Kohinoor plaza Faizan E Madinasusan road Saleemi chowk D Ground Abdullah pur pull chowk MC Donald chowk Metro Cash and carry Residential zone: There are ten sites were selected for noise measurement data like, 1. Peoples colony No 1 2. Madina town 3. Aminpur town canal road 4. University town 5. Lasani garden 6. G.M Abad 7. Tariq hall UAF 8. Fateh hall UAF 9. Jinah colony 10. Samanabad Silence zone: There were ten sites were measured for noise pollution in silent zone like, 1. Mujahid hospital 2. American doctors hospital 3. Punjab social security hospital 4. Mian Muhammad trust hospital 5. Khadija mahmood trust hospital 6. Hilal e ahmar hospital 7. Cardiology center 8. Allied hospital 9. Civil hospital 10. National hospital Locations for CO measurement Total thirty sites were measured for CO pollution in the city, further three different zones were selected for CO measurement, Faisalabad is industrial city so many industries are working in the main areas in city and causing air pollution so that one zone is different than noise monitoring in CO measurement like commercial zone, industrial zone and silence zone. Commercial zone: Sites of commercial zone for CO measurement almost same like noise measurement; so that three main locations were selected for CO which also has around fourteen sub locations same like noise measurement. 1. Clock tower 2. G.T.S Chowk 3. D.Ground Silence zone Silence zone for CO measurements included educational institute and hospitals like, Punjab medical college Allied hospital University of Agriculture Hilal e ahmar Hospital G.C university Punjab social security hospital Industrial zone Industrial zone for CO measurement is included different roads where industries also working, different types of industries established in this zone so that heavy traffic for loading materials like trucks and other vehicles also emitted CO in the air as well as industries chimneys. 1. Samundri road 2. Jhang road 3. Sargodha road 4. Sheikhupura road Method of time, duration selection and Instrument used For the measurement of CO and noise pollution as method of time, duration selection and instrument following methods were used. 1. Forty and thirty sites were measured for noise and CO measurement at three different zones, and industrial zone also measured in CO measurement. 2. For measurement of noise pollution two different times, morning and evening measurement was taken at same locations due to variation of vehicles on the roads at different time periods, but CO measurement was taken at peak time level. 3. Two different instruments were used to measured two different parameters, integrating sound level meter model 6226 was used to measure noise pollution and yellow fluke meter was used to measure CO level. 4. For this purpose of study these two meters were placed at tripod stand, sensors of meter pointed to the road sides and distance pointed from sources 1.5-meter height from the ground and sources. 5. Data was collected in june and july 2019 randomly selected days and statistically analyzed and compared with standard at every location. 6. Questionnaire Performa also filled from the people on the basis of their physical health due to this pollution. Results Noise pollution Commercial zone Twenty sites of commercial zone were selected for measurement of noise level in all locations, and then compared with NEQ’S level which is 65 db. Two times data was collected with these twenty sites first morning time start from 8 to 12 pm and then evening time start 12 pm to 8 pm to measure the maximum and minimum level of noise. The details of noise measured data is given in table 1 and further analysis of noise in these locations is determine in the graph plotted figure 1 and 2, noisy locations are determined on X-axis and noise level is determine on Y-axis. This section may be divided by subheadings. It should provide a concise and precise description of the experimental results, their interpretation as well as the experimental conclusions that can be drawn. Table 1. Measurement and Analysis of the traffic noise level in Commercial Zone Locations Morning (db) Evening (db) Average (db) SD Katchery Bazar 60 91 75.5 1.32 Chiniot Bazar 87 92 89.5 1.76 Amin Pur Bazar 72 89 80.5 3.77 Bhawana Bazar 77 90 83.5 3.98 Jhag Bazar 76 93 84.5 2.11 karkhana Bazar 79 85 82 2.12 Mintgomary Bazar 67 90 78.5 3.42 Rail Bazar 67 90 78.5 3.42 Naranwala Chowk 85 95 90 4.80 DiglasPura Bazar 85 91 88 2.12 Lariadda 80 98 89 4.40 Gumti Chowk 73 97 85 4.30 GTS Chowk 82 99 90.5 2.10 Kohinoor plaza 76 91 83.5 4.20 Faizan E MadinaSusan road 75 98 86.5 4.20 Saleemi chowk 72 96 84 4.00 D Ground 77 96 86.5 4.30 Abdullah pur pull chowk 83 99 91 4.60 MC Donald chowk 71 97 84 4.00 Metro Cash and carry 81 95 88 4.50 Figure 1. Traffic noise level at commercial zone Figure 2. Traffic noise level at commercial zone Residential zone Ten sites were selected for traffic noise measurement in residential zone. Time of measurement noise was same as like commercial zone morning time and evening time, Because of people activity and traffic variations on the road two different time data was collected at the same locations. Further details and the traffic noise pollution is analyzed in the table 2 and in the figure 3. Table 2. Measurement and Analysis of the traffic noise level in Residential zone Locations Morning (db) Evening (db) Average (db) SD Peoples colony No1 65 51 58.0 5.40 Madina town 60 52 56.0 2.82 Aminpur town canal road 75 50 62.5 3.60 University town 60 52 56.0 2.82 Lasani garden 79 52 65.5 2.10 G.M Abad 68 61 64.5 2.47 Tariq hall UAF 69 52 60.5 3.30 Fateh hall UAF 69 60 64.5 3.18 Jinah colony 63 51 57.0 2.10 Samanabad 81 50 65.5 2.43 Figure 3. Traffic noise level at residential zone Silence zone Ten sites of silent zone were measured for noise pollution in Faisalabad city. Silence zone is included different hospitals and some others institutes so that more noise is prohibited in these areas. Same like others two zone data was collected at morning and evening time at same locations. For further details and results of this study data is analyzed in table 3 and figure 4. Table 3. Measurement and analysis of the traffic noise level in silence zone Locations Morning (db) Evening (db) Average (db) SD Mujahid hospital 80 78 79.0 0.707 American doctors’ hospital 76 79 77.5 1.060 Punjab social security hospital 81 86 83.5 1.767 Mian Muhammad trust hospital 86 88 87.0 0.707 Khadija mahmood trust hospital 82 84 83.0 0.707 Hilal e ahmar hospital 86 88 87.0 0.707 Cardiology center 78 81 79.5 1.060 Allied hospital 85 83 84.0 0.707 Civil hospital 100 98 99.0 0.707 National hospital 80 83 81.5 1.060 Figure 4. Traffic noise level at silence zone CO Measurements CO emission in commercial zone Noise pollution and CO emission from vehicles correlated with each other, because these both emissions depend on number of vehicles, if number of vehicles will increase then noise pollution and CO emission will also increase in that location. Figure 5 shows the emission of CO in commercial zone, data shows that in commercial zone maximum CO emissions were found in the evening time in all these locations. Figure 5. Emission of CO in commercial zone (data presented mean ±SD n꞊3) CO emission in industrial zone Figure 6 shows the concentration of CO emissions in industrial zone. Different four locations were measured in industrial zone; data shows that there is no big difference in this zone but maximum value 42 ppm was measured at Jhang road in the evening time and minimum value was 36 ppm at Samundri road. Similarly, in the morning time maximum value was 37 ppm at Jhang road and minimum value was 33 ppm at Samundri road. Figure 6. Emission of CO in industrial zone (data presented mean ±SD n꞊4) CO emissions in silent zone Concentration of CO emissions
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