Application of geometallurgical modelling to mine planning in a copper-gold mining operation for improving ore quality and mineral processing efficiency

Autor: C. Musingwini, C. Beaumont
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Volume: 119, Issue: 3, Pages: 243-252, Published: MAR 2019
ISSN: 2411-9717
DOI: 10.17159/2411-9717/2019/v119n3a3
Popis: Kansanshi mine, located in northwestern Zambia, uses conventional open-pit mining to produce primarily copper, with gold as a by-product. The ore is extracted from a deposit with highly complex mineralogical suites that are difficult to process, sometimes leading to poor recoveries. The mine was using an ore classification system called 'Mat-Type', which classified various ore types into 22 different quality categories, ranging from poor to good quality. Ore with poor recovery was classified as 'poor quality' ore and directed to long-term stockpiles. Due to a lack of proper integration between the technical and functional areas forming the mine value chain, Mat-Type unintentionally misclassified ore. A geometallurgical analysis was therefore undertaken to review Mat-Type and a new geometallurgical ore classification system, called 'OXMAT ', was developed to replace Mat-Type. When implemented, OXMAT eliminated nine of the 22 ore categories and the remaining 13 ore categories could now be more accurately and consistently defined, leading to a significant change in the quantity of ore being mined. OXMAT demonstrated that within a defined test volume of the geological model, waste tonnes could be reduced by 19% while ore tonnes could be increased by 17%. This paper therefore demonstrates the value created through integrated geometallurgical modelling.
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