Evaluation of an in situ setting injectable calcium phosphate as a new carrier material for gentamicin in the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis: Studies in vitro and in vivo

Autor: A. Joist, T. Frebel, C. von Eiff, S. Diederichs, Burkhard Brandt, U. Joosten
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Biomaterials. 25:4287-4295
ISSN: 0142-9612
Popis: A study was performed to investigate the effectiveness of hydroxyapatite cement (HAC) as a new carrier system in the treatment of chronic, posttraumatic osteomyelitis. In the in vitro study, release of gentamicin from standard cylinders of HAC were measured by agar diffusion test. As a representative for mechanical properties, compression strength was measured in order to detect changes when mixing HAC with gentamicin. In the in vivo study, bone infection was induced according to the model of Norden by injection of 1 ml Na-morrhuat and 3×106 CFU Staphylococcus aureus. After 3 weeks, when chronic stage of infection was obtained, 17 animals were treated by debridement and filling the marrow either with HAC alone or HAC mixed with gentamicin (32 mg/g). Animals of the control groups were left untreated. After 6 weeks, all animals were sacrificed. Hematological, radiological, microbiological and histological examinations were carried out by covered investigation. Best evidence of the efficiency of treatment was observed in histopathological and microbiological findings. In all swabs of the control groups, taken 6 weeks following infection S. aureus were detected which were clonal to the strain used for induction of osteomyelitis. In HAC/gentamicin-treated animals, no growth was detectable after 7 days of culturing in BHI bouillon. In the HAC/gentamicin-treated group, there was no histopathological evidence of infection. In all other groups different stages of chronic osteomyelitis were found. No side effect was observed, neither locally nor systemically by HAC or gentamicin. Therefore, HAC is considered to be a very effective carrier for antibiotics in treatment of chronic, posttraumatic osteomyelitis.
Databáze: OpenAIRE